What We Do

Texas Republic Minerals (TRM) is in the business of acquiring fee mineral interests in proven, producing oil and gas reserves that have yet to realize their full development potential. Acquisitions are held in limited partnerships and are managed by TRM with the goal of maximizing cash flow to all partners. TRM provides quarterly revenue distributions to partners, accompanied by reports on partnership progress and relevant news regarding interests held by the partnership. 

TRM maintains a detailed and extensive land database of both acquired interests and interests being considered for acquisition. Our experienced team monitors new good permits in estates of interest as they are made available by various state reporting agencies. Once identified, acquisition targets are geologically mapped and graded for future purchase and development potential. Additionally, we monitor alternate-unit well-development activity to aid in projecting mineral interest value and forecasting future potential revenue. TRM utilizes Wolfpack Software for land & mineral management and accounting. This software provides data with which the partnership can efficiently audit mineral payments from revenue received through operations among owned interests. 

TRM strives to maximize partnership returns through rigorous selection, careful management, and financially risk-weighted decisions. When fee mineral interests are purchased, they are owned in perpetuity. If commodity pricing, supply & demand, and/or exploration activity within an interest yield a lucrative opportunity to sell the mineral estate(s) to a third party, the partnership may do so when it is advantageous to all partners.

Our areas of interest include but are not limited to shale resource plays in the Haynesville Shale, Eagleford Shale, Barnett Shale, Utica Shale, and Bakken Shale. TRM also looks for opportunities in fee mineral interests in conventional oil and gas-producing regions including the Austin Chalk, Buda Limestone, Georgetown Lime, Cotton Valley Lime, and Terry Sandstone.